Equitable Zoning Reform Campaign
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About the Campaign
Call to Action
Attend Next Land Use Commission Meeting: January 8th at 6pm (5pm pep rally on the 2nd floor of the Civic Center) The City of Evanston is revising its Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code through a project called "Envision Evanston 2045." Joining Forces' Equitable Zoning Reform campaign focuses on ensuring that a diversity of Evanston community members have input into those revisions so that they address the needs of the community as a whole. Learn More: What is Zoning? |
Why a Campaign for Zoning?
Envision Evanston 2045 is providing our community a once-in-a-generation opportunity to root out and eliminate the philosophies, policies, and procedures that have contributed to its current housing inequities. Those inequities are real, and their effects are widely felt. Working with community partners, Joining Forces conducted its Equitable Zoning Project which surveyed Evanston residents, including those whose interests are often left out of zoning considerations.
These surveys confirmed that people with low income, people of color, and people with disabilities struggle to find and keep affordable housing in Evanston. Our research also shows that Evanston's current zoning code is perpetuating those struggles.
Purpose of the Campaign
Joining Forces' goal is to provide ways for as many people as possible to share their viewpoints, their voices, and their needs with those who are making the decisions about what the City will look like in the future. We are providing support for those who would like to get involved in a variety of ways.
Take Action to make change!
Campaign Foundations
The information, support, and education that Joining Forces is providing through this campaign are based on the following:
Envision Evanston 2045 is providing our community a once-in-a-generation opportunity to root out and eliminate the philosophies, policies, and procedures that have contributed to its current housing inequities. Those inequities are real, and their effects are widely felt. Working with community partners, Joining Forces conducted its Equitable Zoning Project which surveyed Evanston residents, including those whose interests are often left out of zoning considerations.
These surveys confirmed that people with low income, people of color, and people with disabilities struggle to find and keep affordable housing in Evanston. Our research also shows that Evanston's current zoning code is perpetuating those struggles.
Purpose of the Campaign
Joining Forces' goal is to provide ways for as many people as possible to share their viewpoints, their voices, and their needs with those who are making the decisions about what the City will look like in the future. We are providing support for those who would like to get involved in a variety of ways.
Take Action to make change!
Campaign Foundations
The information, support, and education that Joining Forces is providing through this campaign are based on the following:
Connection's Equitable Zoning Project: A View into the Experiences of Evanston Residents
Joining Forces sought feedback from people in the demographic groups who often seek assistance from Connections for the Homeless. Many people in these groups are members of marginalized communities within Evanston, and people with these demographics have been found to be the most at risk for homelessness and housing instability. The project found that Evanston's zoning negatively impacts people's ability to find affordable housing, access resources, grow financially, and access community tools and processes. Click here to learn more about the Equitable Zoning Project. ZoneCo Equity in Zoning Diagnostic: A Technical Exploration of Equity in Evanston's Zoning Code
In summer of 2020, Connections hired ZoneCo LLC to complete a diagnostic analysis of the existing City of Evanston Zoning Code. In their analysis, ZoneCo found Evanston's zoning code to be restrictive, with a emphasis on preserving property values and community character and little attention to equity and access to affordable housing. You can read the summary of the ZoneCo report here. ZoneCo's review served as the catalyst for Joining Forces to launch the Equitable Zoning Project. |
The American Planning Association Equity in Zoning Policy Guide
In December 2022, The American Planning Association, the largest coalition of urban planning professionals in the country, released its Equity in Zoning Policy Guide. This report offers critical insight into the knowledge and best practices recommended by the nation’s top zoning experts and provides excellent guidance for municipalities to create more equitable zoning codes. You can read their policy guide on the American Planning Association official website.
In December 2022, The American Planning Association, the largest coalition of urban planning professionals in the country, released its Equity in Zoning Policy Guide. This report offers critical insight into the knowledge and best practices recommended by the nation’s top zoning experts and provides excellent guidance for municipalities to create more equitable zoning codes. You can read their policy guide on the American Planning Association official website.
Envision Evanston 2045: Evanston's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code Reform
Envision Evanston 2045 is the year-long City-led process that will lead to a new comprehensive plan and zoning code. The last time the Comprehensive Plan was updated was in 2000. The last time the zoning code was updated was in 1993. Learn more about Envision Evanston 2045.
Envision Evanston 2045 is the year-long City-led process that will lead to a new comprehensive plan and zoning code. The last time the Comprehensive Plan was updated was in 2000. The last time the zoning code was updated was in 1993. Learn more about Envision Evanston 2045.
Envision Evanston 2045 provides a special opportunity for housing advocates to push the City for a more equitable zoning code that allows residents to meet their needs, prosper economically, and access the community tools and resources available to them.
Evanston Mayor Biss's Vision for Zoning Reform
Evanston Mayor Daniel Biss has been an active advocate for equitable zoning reform in Evanston. He has proposed a strong vision for reform, including lifting bans on small multi-unit buildings, eliminating parking minimums, and more. You can read Mayor Biss's editorial on zoning reform in the Evanston Roundtable.
Evanston Mayor Daniel Biss has been an active advocate for equitable zoning reform in Evanston. He has proposed a strong vision for reform, including lifting bans on small multi-unit buildings, eliminating parking minimums, and more. You can read Mayor Biss's editorial on zoning reform in the Evanston Roundtable.
Minneapolis 2040: A Model for Equitable Zoning Reform in Evanston
Evanston isn't alone in seeking to modernize its zoning code. Several municipalities have begun to explore new models for zoning that incorporate equity in ways that Evanston could seek to emulate. One such municipality is Minneapolis, which recently passed major zoning reforms to re-center their zoning code around resident equity, wellbeing, and prosperity. Such changes include allowing multi-family housing across all residential neighborhoods, increasing housing density along transit lines, and a host of other policy improvements.
You can learn more about Minneapolis' Zoning Reform efforts and how they can be a model for reform here in Evanston by clicking the link here.
Evanston isn't alone in seeking to modernize its zoning code. Several municipalities have begun to explore new models for zoning that incorporate equity in ways that Evanston could seek to emulate. One such municipality is Minneapolis, which recently passed major zoning reforms to re-center their zoning code around resident equity, wellbeing, and prosperity. Such changes include allowing multi-family housing across all residential neighborhoods, increasing housing density along transit lines, and a host of other policy improvements.
You can learn more about Minneapolis' Zoning Reform efforts and how they can be a model for reform here in Evanston by clicking the link here.
The Time for Change is Now: The Equitable Zoning Reform Campaign
Now is the chance for Evanston to lead the country in having equitable zoning policies. Now is the time for action; join us in championing the future of Evanston that centers the needs of its residents and places equity, diversity, wellbeing and prosperity at the heart of its comprehensive planning and zoning code.